Aspira Business centre – Apartment

Datum realizace



Aspira Business Center, Bucharova 14a, Praha




528 m2

Aspira 10NP – Apartment

What was our main task?

To create a beautiful luxury apartment, top to bottom, on the 10th floor of a modern office building in Nové Butovice in Prague.
The project was given to us as shell and core. 

How did we deal with it?

Peace without noise

Because the apartment is located in the upper part of avery busy office building, we had to immediately think about the acoustics from the point of shielding of from possible noise. That is why we installed acoustic drywall partitions as well acoustic drywall soffits, which provide the apartment the much-needed calm and peace. Even the piping for water and sewage was done in such a way to lower the amount of noise.

Highest quality surfaces

After we constructed the soffits and partitions, it was time to apply surface modulations in the form of large-format paving and tiling, including the elegant stonecutter corners. All of these surfaces were made in the highest possible quality for sealing surfaces, known as Q4.

Directly from our workshop

Part of the project was fitting of wooden floors made from a very durable Merbau wood. We also delivered some of the cabinetmaker/carpentry elements from our own workshop, in which we also made atypical furniture specifically tailored for the needs of our client. We have installed the safety and fire exit doors of the apartment, which were covered in veneer from the apartment side and with varnished glass Lacobel from the outside.

Unique bathroom

One of the hardest parts of the whole interior, with which we are extremely happy and feel immense pride for, was the main bathroom. The main element here is the shower system Aquasymphony with smart controls and a large selection of shower modes. The whole bathroom is tiled with stone, which gives it a slightly rustic yet highly elegant appearance. We should not forget about the sinks made from Corian, which enhance the stonelike appearance of the whole bathroom (style used throughout the whole building).

Smart and sustainable apartment

The apartment is furnished in a sustainable and eco-friendly manner. All of the lighting consists of LED light sources. One of the very cosy elements is a bio fireplace. Both the fireplace, lighting and many other elements of thge apartment can be controlled via smart regulation system.


The whole construction of the apartment took us 9 months. Our client had very high and precise demands when it comes to aesthetics as well as the functionality of the apartment. That is why we were very happy, that the client was absolutely satisfied with the result of our work.